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Owl Ripper Recordings: ogromna kompilacija "42 Seconds no. 7"

Upoznajmo češku net label Owl Ripper Recordings kojoj je moto slijedeći:
"Mi smo ti koji ćemo slušati, odgovoriti na veliko pitanje Života, Svemira i svega...!

Uslijedila je trenutna stanka u očekivanju dok su ploče na prednjoj strani konzole polako oživljavale. Svjetla su se eksperimentalno palila i gasila i slagala u poslovni uzorak. Iz komunikacijskog kanala dopiralo je tiho tiho zujanje.

"U redu. Odgovor na veliko pitanje... Života, Svemira i svega... Je... Četrdeset dvije", reče Duboka misao, s beskrajnom veličanstvenošću i smirenošću.
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Ovo je ideja za obimnu kompilaciju autora sa svih strana svijeta, a trenutno je SEDMA po redu i biti će ih još. FREE DOWNLOAD: owlripperrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/42-seconds-7

1.Dead Lincoln - eaters 00:42
2.Spukkopf & The Owl - Theme from 'oVo' 00:42
3.MISAHISTERICA - Religion 00:42
4.Teh(A)nu - Dialektika žužu 00:42
5.Morbid Beauty - Onapermo 00:42
6.Power Outage - Fuck Alcoholic Culture 00:42
7.Eyemasters - Greed 00:42
8.Death Meta - Ultra Horrisonous Tinklings to Enchant 00:42
9.Schwarzer Tag - Fluxus 00:42
10.Avoid Death - New landscapes from old memories 00:42
11.Lentokenttä - Wie es fließt 00:42
12.Yhorm - 's raachermannel 00:42
13.Acid Toad - Wisdoms from the allknowing Toad 00:42
14.antistress - Antistress 00:42
15.gaop - Leroi's Tears 00:42
16.Ibrahim - How Embarrassing 00:42
17.WHITE NINJA - လိုအပ်သည်နှင့်လုံလောက်သည် 210420 00:42
18.Cerebral Constriction - ...and this is the accident 00:42
19.Eye Of Phetkanha - Daybreak Denies Allwise... 00:42
20.Dauðaþráhyggja - Skafið ís úr beinum (Scraping Ice From Bones) 00:42
22.Takeshita - What's The Point 00:42
23.Jordi Heras Fauque - 42 seconds Mutation 00:42
24.Futile Mourning - Where even the sun dies 00:42
25.Mother Nature versus Father Time - Life; It's a pleasure and it's a horrorshow 00:42
26.Narayana - Fall Through Time 00:42
27.Mutile Fawning - New Meaning 00:42
28.RDKPL - 241107_mix 00:42
29.Parasol - The Minute That We Met 00:42
30.Picture Storms - Circular Circus 00:42
31.The Owl - 25102017@530am 00:42
32.Wilfried Hanrath - Dvelvr 00:42
33.Zazie Productions - Plumbus Overture 00:42
34.Diascorium - The Mechanics Of Serenity 00:42
35.halfburntbodyfound - (Do Fear) The Reaper 00:42
36.Asmodexia - eleven 00:42
38.MANDRIL - Sumision 00:42
39.Sloth Hammer - Ere Mate, Your Dog Just Did A Shit On My Bag! 00:42
40.Tend - Huddled Around a Dying Star 00:42
41.Spite Cathedral - Second Rite 00:42
42.WHΛLTHISИEY - 42 00:42
43.CIRM - Geese flapping in the kitchen 00:42
44.James Nathan Powell - Hardly Registered 00:42
45.X's For Eyes - Plaster Head Casts 00:42
46.The Owls - Magnitude 00:42
47.Alioth Borealis - The Darkling 00:42
48.Clockwork Warmachine - Left in the Lantana 00:42
49.Tristan Burfield - AY Spy 00:42
50.Grifty Phono Plastic - Dust Nortuen 00:42
51.Humanfobia - Entering to the Catacomb Abyss 00:42
52.Hoz Seca - Mama 00:42
54.The Utter & BÁL - From The Empyrean Loft 00:42
55.AFTERSUNDOWN - Find The Way 00:42
56.Dagure - TOANWTS 00:42
57.Eraserdrone - Untitled#1 00:42
58.NOOSED - Class War 00:42
59.Marax - Bottles As Pets 00:42
60.Fucking Bullshit - Ego Destruere 00:42
61.Hungergeist - Gloria in excelsis Phallo... 00:42
63.NEGLECT - Destroyed By Time and Sand 00:42
64._tenebrate - decompression tactics 00:42
65.mig inc - lubrification 00:42
66.flyoversx - some of the irreversible changes 00:42
67.Kuldirgish - Rotten Opuntia 00:42
68.{AN} EeL - Whirling Dirgish 00:42
69.FINDMEHERE - Standing In The Ruins Of Unhappiness 00:42
70.Lulu Rosenkrantz - Abrahadabra 00:42
71.Cosmic Chronicles - Detecting Dark Matter 00:42
72.16bard - Zeno's Jam 00:42
73.TALES - Endless Spaces 00:42
74.HELLGA PATAKI - Normalizacion 00:42
75.Nebelkerzen - Mörserfeuer 00:42
76.Marne - Bezvýhodné transakce 00:42
77.Incandescence - Pure hypnosis amongst the chaos 00:42
78.Kirril - Emergence 00:42
80.existent/nonexistent - Shattered Bones on Velvet Floors 00:42
81.Absurd Reality - Stricken 00:42
82.Ÿhorim - The god-devouring serpent 00:42
83.Apokryphos - Apostel des altehrwürdigen Monolithen - Eine Hymne 00:42
84.AGRSR - FOURTWO 00:42
85.Dodo Resurrection II - Secret Rites of Self-Purification 00:42
86.Joel Krutt - Collins Avenue 00:42
87.Her Menacing Pet - Open to the Probe 00:42
88.BERTHELOT - Euphoriques de patibulaires 00:42
89.JIHEL - Short Trapped Polygonal Sequences 00:42
90.el_masmore - LA CONFEDERACION 00:42
91.EL ZOMBIE ESPACIAL - Argentina 2024 gobernada por la ultraderecha 00:42
92.Daniel Pico - El toro de la reyerta se sube por las paredes 00:42
93.monad node - Die geheimen Tennisplätze der Reichen 00:42
94.leeg bezit - mostly harmless 00:42
95.CELENG THE ABSTRACK - Mantra Ajian Piningit 00:42
96.ZREEN TOYZ - Below The Surface Of Things 00:42
97.Kørmåt - Tea for 42 00:42
98.CacofoniaHN - runforyourlife 00:42
99.Skaretal - Sundial 00:42
100.Lover/Abuser - REDSTATEREDRUM 00:42
101.No Fucks Given - Nation Of Cunts 00:42
103.Flesh Control - Here Come The Perquets 00:42
104.Stairs and Flowers - Hideous Waiting 00:42
105.Séraphitüs-Séraphîta - The Politics of Cultural Despair 00:42
106.Manufacturer - Cutnoise 00:42
107.Drab Delusion - Scientific Psychosis 00:42
108.Colossal Letdown - Sandyholm 00:42
109.SOXSA - Calci Natural History Museum 00:42
110.aRCANE aSYLUM - No Talking (tMoLtUaE) 00:42
111.ARCANE WAVES - Unpredictable splosh 00:42
112.Atish Pare - Droplets 00:42
113.Explosión A Cuerpo Completo - Determined To Look For Where It's Not 00:42
114.atmospheric disturbances - and everything that reminds me of you 00:42
115.juanito))) - noctua 00:42
116.Nekronz - Kick Back 00:42
117.ZABOGART - Planet Sampah 00:42
118.petrichor - untitled loop 00:42
119.tkhds - migreeni 00:42
120.kskefk - samira turns 00:42
121.Profà - I Had A Dream & It Was A Heavy Thing 00:42
122.Luiz_Ser_Eu-The_Future_Is_Cold_And_Happy 00:42
123.Archive Dystopia - Lighthouse 00:42
124.samelectronics - nightscapes 00:42
125.Charlie Butler - Dunnottar 00:42
126.Mean Flow - 42 Enemies 00:42
127.Red Shroud - The Manifesto 00:42
128.Paranoised - Rotten unboxing of a beat 00:42
129.Qorb'an - צעקו בשמחה, כי ה_ מת (Rejoice, the LORD is dead) 00:42
130.ohrr - No Moth Mix 00:42
132.Rushplᴂr - P42 00:42
133.Mati Pirsztuk - Agua Viva 00:42
134.FLYING SPECIES - Diaphanous Mechanical Movements 00:42
135.Haggari Nakashe - FoodForFear 00:42
136.Mirocaw - Elämän viimeiset 42 sekuntia 00:42
137.Hypnotic Vultures - Jousted 00:42
138.The Atrocity Circus - Stab 00:42
139.Niacinamide - North Well 00:42
140.Ruairi O'Baoighill - Féar Gortach 00:42
141.SUCCULENT SUCCUBUS - Les deux orphelines vampires 00:42
142.The Angel Of The Enemy - Tincture of bile 00:42
143.Still Light - The Boy Who Cried Piss 00:42
144.Kosmische - Unreleased Dope 00:42
145.Sonaura - Teeth Daddy 00:42
146.? - Kaffee Funghi 00:42
147.The Creeping Man - June 00:42
148.WORSHIP - Arise 00:42
149.This Is What I Hear When You Talk - Survival in a World That Doesn't Want Me 00:42
150.KR_Seward - Unfencing 00:42
151.SVPPVR - 42 seconds before the world collides 00:42
152.PsôM - 42 secondes avant la fin du monde 00:42
153.Soloman Tump - 42 seconds of my working day 00:42
154.Natura Morta - Estimats Éssers Alats 00:42
155.Pietro Zollo - Slice of Eternity 00:42
156.Saishō 最小 - minime 00:42
157.relay station - 42.00s intercept 00:42
158.raté - poppers 00:42
160.Spukkopf - There I Go Skipping Through The Darkening Street In December 00:42
161.vacant possession - Μόλυβδος [molybdos] 00:42
162.Toys in the Static - The Scott Chapman Synchronicity (Prelude) 00:42
163.TÔLE-ACHE - tribute to Pierre Henry (vertical art III short version) 00:42
164.Magic Bullet - And So It Was 00:42
165.Substak - Oscillation 00:42
166.Swamp Goat - Blue Dust and Green Devils 00:42
167.The Friendly Singing Frog - Bestial Walrus 00:42
168.The Martin Gruber Anastomosis - Hologram 42 00:42
169.Woyte Lande - Interludium 00:42
170.VERFÜHRERVERGELTER - Apocalypso 00:42
171.Tears Of Fire - Kiss me one last time 00:42
172.Z91.5 - for'tuna 00:42
173.Tunnel Kasino - Talisman 00:42
174.TrailOfGhosts-Telltale 00:42
175.Thomas Park - HeartInAHeatWell 00:42
176.Heavy Cloud - limbo 00:42
177.RANAGLAS - don't 00:42
178.αmphξng - night animals feeding cirqu 00:42
179.Mademoiselle Marchand - [untitled] 00:42
180.MEATPILLS - Meat Pills For Hungry Maggots In Your Thorax 00:42
181.Süsse Träubchen - Quitsche Qatsche Traubenmatsche! 00:42
182.Sabixatzil - Poorly Recorded, Take Two 00:42
183.Pebble Creek - Barfight Boogy 00:4
184.MierdaPuta - Dirty Misty Winds 00:42
185.Marcus Palt - Desolation 00:42
186.Sunrise 2x4 - Briefings For a Descent Into Hell 00:42
187.Michael Sorensen - Last Transmission From Earth 00:42
188.ROYALTY - The End Of The World 00:42
189.Sigil of Time - Empty.... 00:42
190.RötKöt - Der heilige Kotstein (feat. der vegane Profistuhler) 00:42
[  ]

Točno 42 sekunde po pjesmi. To je bila igra i izazov. Zamislite ovu kompilaciju kao jedan veliki bend koji vam svira 190 pjesama u 130 minuta.

Izdavač, nadalje tvrdi:

Slažući ovo zajedno, osjećam se kao da sam postao prijatelj sa svim stazama. Raspon sićušnih zvučnih dnevnika iz svakog projekta je golem. Još uvijek nisu svi stilovi na svijetu pokriveni na jednom mjestu, ali stižemo; sigurno za sve mračne, teške, apstraktne, minimalne, velike, brze i spore itd. načine razmišljanja, sviranja, uživanja u zvuku.

Svaki od njih donosi nešto novo, drugačije, intrigantno u kolekciju, postavljen kao poseban komad koji priča veću priču s odredištem gotovo mentalne apokalipse.

Stvarno se nadam da će netko ovo poslušati u jednom dahu. Prilično je iscrpljujuće, ali putovanje patchwork poplunom koje ćete doživjeti je nevjerojatno prosvjetljujuće, fascinantno, ludo!

Hvala svima na doprinosima i slušanju. Ovo je bila zabavna, kaotična i epska 'stvar' za čuti kako se razvija i raste u veličini.

promo guy // 29/01/2025


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