english > Dickon Edwards (Fosca) Interview

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Dickon Edwards (Fosca) Interview

After 6 years, Fosca are back with brilliant album "The Painted side of the Rocket". Luckily we didn't have to wait 6 years to have an interview with the man himself!

Ladies and gentlemen, Dickon Edwards!

1. Well, it's been 6 years? What happened with you and Fosca during that time?
Other things got in the way. Life, writing, DJ-ing, nothing in
particular. Everything in particular. A general lack of interest in
doing Fosca anymore, not least from myself. I'm also terminally lazy.
But I'm glad we finally finished the album.

2. Because it's been 6 years, are you back now at square one when it comes to getting gigs and promotion or it's more like Led Zeppelin reunion thing?
It's always been back at square one for us, even more so after
Shinkansen Records ended and we had to find a new record label. So
it's more like being at minus square one. Every tour or show is a
reunion for us. I'm more interested if McCarthy or Frazier Chorus were
to reform than Led Zeppelin, which tells you all you need to know
about Fosca.
[ Dickon Edwards ]

Dickon Edwards   © © 2004 Sarah Watson

3. How was "The Painted Side Of The Rocket" created? Were you writing songs all the time during the pause or it's just new songs (apart from "Confused and Proud" of course)?
Kate Dornan wrote one of the songs. Otherwise, they were written when
they asked to be written over the last few years, like children
demanding to be born. Some of them were based on melodies written
years ago, but with new lyrics added last year while the album was
being finished.

4. What about lyrical themes this time around? Some of the songs are rather curious, like "Come don't from the cross (someone else needs the wood)"
The songs are about people coming to terms with being bohemians,
dandies or outsiders, but who also realise that being an outsider
itself is also a bit of a cliche, and they'd never like to be thought
of as a cliche. In every song, there's a lot of debating and arguing
inside their heads about how best such people should live their lives.
Then in the end, the album suggests they should just stop worrying
and... come down from the cross.

5. What is the meaning behind the title "The Painted Side Of The Rocket"?
See the essay in the book 'The Portable Dickon Edwards'. Essentially,
it's an observation inspired by a childhood prop given to my brother
and I by our father. He gave us a painted piece of scenery
representing a space rocket, for us to have adventures and make up
stories with. Except that we had to sit on the unpainted side to get
'inside' the rocket and look out through its portholes. So it's
analogous to how the creative act is a joyous leap of faith and magic:
you'll never perceive your work without the bias of having made it.
The audience gets the 'real' work, while the artist just hopes for the

6. Well, we've downloaded "In Concert" and are natuarally wondering do you plan to tour the album apart from the gigs in Sweden?
We're trying to organise a gig in London, somewhere more unusual than
the usual indie haunts.

7. And finally : What's in future for Fosca? Not another 6 years of
waiting, we hope!

You're too kind, but Fosca have existed long enough, and should really
be retired after this album. Too many bands go on for too long. I'm
probably going to finish Fosca and either start a new band or just
find other things to do with myself, such as write books or
screenplays. But nothing is set in stone. Of course, if this album
sells millions of copies, we'd be foolish to not keep going. Let the
world vote with its CD buying power!

kris // 24/03/2008


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