home > mjuzik > Long Life The New Ears, Carved With Diseased Pistols

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BRAIN DAMAGE THEATER: Long Life The New Ears, Carved With Diseased Pistols (Haunted Head Recordings, 2023)

Pravo bandcamp muzičko izdanje. Iako smo svoje obaveze ili obrazovanje stavili po strani zbog toga što volimo muziku, osjećamo određenu uzbunu i paniku pri slušanju ovog albuma.

Ne treba puno govoriti o tome kako ovo muzičko izdanje možemo prepoznati kao neizvjesnost muzičkog eksperimenta, nepopularan pristup zvuku, bez određene istorijske distance prema kulturološkom događaju. U trenucima kada razmišljamo o zvuku možemo biti ponosni na to da ono što može biti ekranizovano je spontano. Ima sve što je nekad jedno rock izdanje značilo. Noise rock je odavno počeo da postoji tako da ovaj zvuk možemo smatrati prihvatljivim za ljuditelje buke, a i sve one koji su zainteresovani da čuju ili upoznaju noise, noise rock. Dobra preporuka ako želimo biti dovoljno skoncentrisani da otkrijemo što je noise.
[  ]

1 Disconsolate Sack of Shit 00:21
2 untitled track about falling down some stairs 00:02
3 untitled track about farting 00:04
4 untitled track about farting while falling down some stairs 00:02
5 untitled track about untitled tracks 00:07
6 this track is untitled 00:02
7 this track is titled 00:05
8 untitled track seven 00:02
9 I'm am you're fart.wav 00:04
10 untitled 9 00:05
11 untitled suicide poem 10 00:12
13 Scrape Me Up 00:14
14 Short Poops 00:09
15 Shorter Poops 00:03
16 Show Me The Farts of The Messiah 00:03
17 La La Le Le, We All Fail 00:02
18 Jump Man, Jump Down 00:06
19 I Am An Error 00:02
20 Carve Ears In The Side of My Head With A Diseased Pistol 00:12
21 Disease Profit, Prophets 00:02
22 Smile On Your Brother and Love Murderings 00:04
23 Too Many Pointless Fartings 00:06
24 I Am Important With A Crown Made of Poop 00:03
25 Don't You and Don't Me 00:04
26 Anti 00:27
27 Ready To Die More 00:12
28 Making Farts With A Rusty Razor 00:04
29 I Have Run Out of Titles 00:07
30 Don't Wake Up 00:04
31 I Don't Want To Wake Up 00:06
32 So Tired 00:04
33 Life Goes On And On And On 00:04
34 Punch My Rectum 00:12
35 Stirring Brains With A Spoon Made of Forks 00:04
36 Why My Slow Stab 00:04
37 Stabbing My Self Out of Boredom 00:04
38 Track 42 Sucked Rectums 00:03
39 Wish I Did Not Be Born 00:04
40 Track For Sexy Fart Dancing 00:06
41 Industrial Music For Industrial Poops 00:20
42 Flying Kites In A Nightmare Fart Fart Pooping 00:02
43 Lazy Afternoon Kite Flying 00:14
44 When Will The Torture of Life End? 00:02
45 This Terrible Album Continues For Some Inexplicable Reason 00:03
46 First Nobby Tooth 1 00:03
47 Fist Noble Tooth 2 00:04
48 Fist Nobby Truth 3 00:03
49 WorkShitDie (backrooms_wav) 00:13
50 Rubbing One Offf As It Is Ripped Offf 00:03
51 Go To Sleep In A Septic Tank Wank 00:03
52 Punch Our Head Repeatedly 00:05
53 Septic Wank 00:04
54 Don't Go0gle "Penis Full of Worms" 00:04
55 Septic Wank Now With More Wank 00:08
56 SleepyTimeBag 00:02
57 Rip My Penis 00:15
58 Crush My Balls 00:21
59 Insert Arm In Industrial Lathe 00:07
60 It's The Little Things 00:13
61 When Will This End? 00:04
62 Will I Ever Have Peace? 00:05
63 84 00:03
64 87 00:15
65 89 00:22
66 Stab Me Before I Wake Up 00:17
67 Stab My Pee Pee 00:06
68 Mermaid in The Manhole 00:11
69 No Escape, Time For Being Pooped On 00:03
70 wav04 00:06
71 wav05 00:02
72 wav06 00:01
73 wav903 00:02
74 excrement loving 00:03
75 wavRED 00:04
76 Stab Stab Playtime 0 00:08
77 Stab Stab Playtime 1 00:36
78 Stab Stab Playtime 2 00:17
79 Stab Stab Playtime 3 00:04
80 ran out of ideas for track titles 00:07
81 Stab Stab Playtime 4 00:07
82 euthanizing castles 00:09
83 Flapping My Arms To Fly While I Jump To My Death 00:09
84 LrLrLrLr.LrLrwLrLraLrLrv 00:09
85 Pampered Poops 00:16
86 Throw Us In A Pit 00:03
87 Eating Vomit 00:04
88 Eating Birds Alive0 00:05
89 Eating Shit Alive1 00:06
90 Eating Myself Alive2 00:03
92 I Want To Sleep Forever 00:04
91 Runtime Error Life 00:08
93 Suicide Poem (Version) 00:47
94 Nailing My Face To The Wall 00:09
95 Slow Math For Quick Farts 00:04
96 Another Terrible Track 00:03
97 Another Terrible Title 00:11
99 Another Shit Track 00:04
98 malignantly useless 00:08
100 Nothing To Talk About 00:18
101 Slug Girl Is Cute 00:05
102 Decomposition Is Fun And Easy 00:07
103 Hate Waking Up 00:05
104 I Want To Die (Suicide Poem) 00:07

ocjena albuma [1-10]: 10

edo žuđelović // 08/08/2023


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