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THE INDELICATES: American Demo (2008)

Jedna od najljepsih stvari kad idete na neki festival je otkrivanje bendova koji nastupaju a za koje nikad niste prije culi. Mi smo tako prosle godine prije Szigeta otkrili Kaizers Orchestra a ove godine prije Frequency-ija glavni favoriti su nam Louis XIV i The Indelicates s tim da nam The Indelicates opasno postaju jedan od najboljih i najdrazih bendova koje smo culi u zadnje vrijeme.
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Jer kako ne voljeti pjesme koje zvuce kao kombinacija inteligentnih tekstova na tragu Jim Boba i Luke Hainesa, pjevace od kojih jedno zvuci kao Luke Haines glavom i bradom a druga ima jedan od najljepsih glasova uopce a muzika je kombinacija Autersa, himni koje mozes vikati s barikada. Ukratko - The Indelicates su bend za koji nam je zao sto ga nismo imali u doba odrastanja i srednje skole pa da ih fanaticno obozavamo. American Demo obiluje cinizmom i ogorcenoscu sa svim zivim pa tako nije cudno da The Indelicates opisuju kao Clash sa dva Morrissey-ja na celu. Posebno treba izdvojiti "America" koja je himna nad himnama, pa "If Jeff Buckley Had Lived" za koju bi sigurno Luke Haines odrezao po ruke za cinjenicu da je on napisao, pa apsolutnu hitcinu "Sixteen" i predivnu i bitter "Stars", pa "New Art For People"...

Dovoljno je procitati ove tesktove i sve vam je jasno:


I'm in love with the boy next door
He treats me like a filthy whore
I give him everything he wants
For nothing in return.
We drive out to the hills and lie
Beneath the dark'ning twilit sky
And how I love the knowledge that
I'll never ever learn.

And the stars don't shine for me and you
They shine no matter what we do
And every day is shorter than the last.
For all the years in bedrooms lost
In you I calculate the cost
Of never staking my claim to the stars.

I give you head and cook your tea
You make my daddy weep for me
I smile each time you hurt me
For you're really hurting him.
I'm Joan of Arc, Ophelia, the Other Mrs Rochester
A monument torn down and wrent
From limb to aching limb.


And the stars don't shine for me and you
Even though I'd like them to
And you are just an actor in my heart
The story will play to the end
And you will never comprehend
Just how well you have taken to your part
I conjure up a single tear
The people look like ants from here
The distant buzz of endless passing cars
And gazing at eternity
The only one who counts is me
And we shall see our logo on the stars…

A jesmo li spomenuli i da imaju genijalne spotove?
A da imaju i sto side projekata?
Da su klasicno educirani glasovi, da pisu mjuzikle i da je Julia Indelicate cak izmislila i Pipettes?
Uh, kad ce taj Frequency!

The Indelicates - America

The Indelicates - Sixteen

The Indelicates - New Art For People

ocjena albuma [1-10]: 9

kris // 28/07/2008


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