home > njuz > EMBASSY 516 najavljuju novi album "Trans."

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EMBASSY 516 najavljuju novi album "Trans."

Dubrovački indie-rockeri Embassy 516 će 15. studenog 2023. objaviti treći studijski album "Trans.". To će im biti ukupno sedmo izdanje računajući prvi demo iz 2008., dva živa zapisa (2013 + 2019) i reizdanje debija "Surveillance of the Environment" 2022. povodom desete obljetnice od izlaska.
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"Trans." za sada ima 11 pjesama koje se u trenutku objave ove vijesti još ne mogu slušati na njihovoj bandcamp stranici izuzev "Darkslide" koja je već postavljena na dva youtube kanala. Album će objaviti Geenger Records.

'It was the last day of spring,
We were sliding down the road,
But you ignored me.

It was the system overload,
The one you really know,
Is coming sooner or later...

Home is where people are,
Waiting you to come undone.
After all the broken hearts,
Save a hug and take some time.

Does it hurt now when you think,
About the different exile routes,
Just a mile from here…

It didn't have to be like that,
You could change few sentences,
Take it back and walk away…

Home is where people are,
Waiting you to come undone.
After all the broken hearts,
Save a hug and take some time.

We are home,
Please come undone.
All of the hearts,
Need friendly hugs.

Home is where people are,
Waiting you to come undone.
After all the broken hearts,
Save a hug and take some time.

LP embassy516.gngr.band
Illustration: Igor Jurilj // www.instagram.com/yellow.yuri
Video: Ivan Samkov // www.pexels.com/@ivan-samkov
Animation: Žarko Dragojević // www.zarkodrago.com

Embassy 516:
Ivica Glunčić - drums
Tomislav Kličan - guitar
Žarko Dragojević - lyrics, music, vocals, guitar, bass, synths, mixing / mastering / production - - - - - - - - - -
Igor Jurilj - visual design & illustration
Danijel Sikora - publishing director

terapija // 20/10/2023


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