Upoznajte Fritza Gesslera na @mistnetlabel. Dark Ambijent s mističnim pristranostima i ritualnim zvukovima. Download OVDJE: mistlabel.bandcamp.com/album/yeti-songs
1.secret mantra I 05:14
2.traktsen shyenrab - deity of purification 09:27
3.tsiyadra - deity of wisdom 03:29
4.lhamosonam - deity of protection 06:45
5.phurba chant 09:24
6.secret mantra II 01:46
7.mount kailash 20:26
8.sengodrup - deity of destruction 08:15
9.shenla okoarsal - deity of upper tantras 09:35
10.drokben - wheel of life 09:15
11.namkha cheupa - the elements 07:38
12.secret mantra III 02:31